Monthly Archives: January 2015

Happy New Year !

I hope you guys had a great holiday! I sure did! I spent it at the house! The psst few dayscI have been reading Rik Frrny’s book “”Weiting Books For Fun, Fun, Fame and Fortune!” It basically is a “how to book” on how to write how to books.

It is a good read and I highly recommend it. It is a guideline on how to make these types of books while you are waiting for that big contract from thar big publisher. At least you could get some in ome coming in until that magical moment comes in!

I plan on using that book to make my own ” how to book”. That is the current plan now. That and the rehab I am undergoing to strengthen my LEDs. Never found out what caused the nerve damage p, but hopefully the rehab will fix things.

Please bear with me. If you find spelling errors. With my vision being the,way it is, I’m sure there are some. I have difficulty proof reading…Well I have to go now. So until next time … William out!

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